George Thomas Dyer Jenkins (1898 – 1966) was born in Parkend when his father George Dyer (Snr) was 20 and his mother Nellie was 16 years old. George Dyer (Snr) did not stick around and emigrated to America. Nellie married Frank Beddis, a coal miner, in 1900 and the couple went on to have ten children. George Jenkins married Hilda Watkins in 1919 and had four children. In 1921 Jenkins was working as an an uderground haulier at New Fancy colliery and then he worked at Princess Royal. He represented both pits on the FDMA Executive. He was a member of West Dean District Council from 1946 and 1949? He was a member of the Forest of Dean Trades Council (1947). He was President of the West Gloucestershire Labour Party in March 1949 and Forest of Dean delegate on the South Wales Executive of the NUM in 1950.