
Martin Perkins

Martin Perkins (1858 – 1927) was born in Cinderford, the son of a miner, and started work in the pits at the age of fourteen. He married Elizabeth Knight in 1876 and they had eleven children. He was elected as checkweighman at Lightmoor colliery in 1893 and represented the pit on the FDMA Executive from this time to his retirement in December 1925. He was elected to the Westbury Board of Guardians from 1893-1895. He was President of the FDMA from 1913 to the end of 1917 and served as President of the Forest of Dean Free Miners from 1919 until just before his death. Initially a member of the Liberal Party he became a strong supporter of the Labour Party after 1918. He was President of the Cinderford Co-operative Society for over a quarter of a century and President of the FDMA’s General Accident and Health Insurance Society and the Cinderford Medical Aid Association. After World War One, he became a JP and member of the Forest of Dean Council of School Managers. He regularly attended the Baptist chapel.


5 replies on “Martin Perkins”

Martin is my great-great Grandfather, his son George left Cinderford to become a policeman in Birmingham which is where his family remain. George died during an air raid in the 2nd world war from an asthma attack the night Coventry was bombed.

Thank you, Charlotte for letting us know what happened to George. Martin was a very significant figure in the history of the mining community in Cinderford and well respected.

Hello Charlotte
My Name is Heidi Watkins from Newhaven East Sussex

My Great great Grandmother was a Perkins before she married Thomas Bush.

Alice Perkins Mother and Father James and Emma Perkins.
I have a photo of a police officer of the name of Perkins
I wonder if this is your GREAT great Grandfather Martin?

These are the children of James and Emma Perkins
( Emma’s Maiden Name was Dobbs )

Martin Herny
Alice ( my x2 Great Grandmother)
Mary who Married John Haines
Julia Fanny
Florence Louisa
Beatrice Muad

Charlotte any chance of you contacting me
I also do Facebook
Profile pic I am holding a silver Trumpet in a church door way.

Hello Charlotte
My Name is Heidi Watkins from Newhaven East Sussex

My Great great Grandmother was a Perkins before she married Thomas Bush.

Alice Perkins Mother and Father James and Emma Perkins.
I have a photo of a police officer of the name of Perkins
I wonder if this is your GREAT great Grandfather Martin?

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